Saturday, April 2, 2011

Belgian Table Beer - Brew Date: 3/29/11

So "Threat Level Midnight" has been put on hold for a few more days. The only reason being that I needed to make a huge starter for such a massive batch. So instead of that I decided to make a Belgian Table Beer; and use the yeast cake from that to pitch the stout onto. The recipe is pretty simple. It's mostly Belgian Pils with a few pounds of wheat. I added a small amount of Special B. for color, along with some 60L Crystal and then just a dash of chocolate malt.

The hops are only Brewer's Gold as FWH addition and then a flameout addition. I'm shooting for a beer with good drinkability, not huge alcohol, a pleasant hop aroma with a strong yeast profile. It's fermented with Wyeast 3522 Belgian Ardennes.


60 minute mash at 151 degrees

5lbs. Belgian Pils
3lbs. White Wheat Malt
8oz. American 60L Crystal Malt
4oz. Special B. Malt
2oz. Chocolate Malt

1oz. Brewer's Gold Hops 8%AA FWH
1oz. Brewers Gold Hops 8%AA Flameout

3522 Belgian Ardennes Yeast

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