Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hoppy American Amber Brewday. Epik Tasting.

So my brother is in town from college and has been interested in homebrewibg for a while. So I decided to teach him how. Now originally I had planned on doing the hoppy farmhouse table beer, but my brother was interested in making an American Amber. So we did that instead. We also drank a fair amount of beer. Including some that I have been aging and waiting to open. Sorry there's no pictures but when you start your brewday at 9:00 and begin drinking at 10:00 so as not to anger the brew-gods..... you tend to forget stuff.

EKG American Amber

7lbs. Two Row - US
1lb. 12oz. US crystal 60L
2lbs. Homemade amber candy syrup

1oz. Willamette 5.5%AA - FWH
1oz. East Kent Goldings 5.0%AA - 10min
1oz. East Kent Goldings 5.0%AA - Flameout
1oz. East Kent Goldings 5.0%AA - dry hop 14 days

Yeast - US-05 dry yeast

Measured O.G. 1.054

Epik Tasting

I tried the first bottle of this a few months back but it wasn't ready so didn't post about it. This is the beer that started out as a utopias clone
then realized it would do better as a barleywine.

Pours a deep rich crystal clear mahogany with a small build up of an off white head that then dissipates quickly (not surprising considering.the 14%+ ABV. Held io to the light there's a slight reddish color at the edge of the glass, probably from the munich and caramunich.

The nose is sweet and boost without being solventy. Notes of fig, dried plums and tobacco dominate the nose followed by a thin whisp of fruity and perfumey alcohols.

Not nearly as sweet as I had initially feared from the nose. It did attenuate extremely well afterall. Nice figgy and sherry like taste up front with bits of slightly tannic oak in the middle.The alcohol is nice and warming without being harsh.

Overall great beer... still needs another six months to round out.

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